Properly packaging and labeling your package goes a long way to add to the efficiency of your order experience. Please take the time to read and then prepare your shipment so we can get it to your grading company as quickly as we can.
Once you submit your order, you need to get us the cards. All of your cards need to be individually sleeved and in the order that you entered them on the order form. Your shipment needs to have your order number written clearly marked on the box/envelope.
You may choose from either FedEx or USPS to ship your package to us. Once we receive your shipment, we’ll let you know and start the submission process to the grading company. You’ll be informed every step along the way.
Once the grades pop and we receive your payment and your cards, we’ll send the order back to you ASAP. We’ll ship via USPS and you have the option to add insurance on your shipment.
Log your cards into the appropriate service level at Please be sure your form is accurate and cards are logged in the exact order they are to be shipped.
Use a loose rubber band to keep the stack of card savers together. Make sure the rubber band is not too tight as this could damage the cards.
Please print your packing list. It was emailed to you after you submitted your order.
Sandwich card savers between two thick pieces of cardboard to add security and protection. For larger orders, we recommend sending in a graded card box.
Place your order in a larger box or package and remember to include your NAME AND ORDER NUMBER in package. If we receive a package without this information, it will be delayed. Again, please make sure cards are in exact order they were logged to site.
Mail to Nashcards and relax! Once we receive your package, you will be notified via email and the submission process will begin.
We offer insurance for your order throughout the grading process. Our current rates are as follows.
Our prices are determined during return shipping times (when your grades pop). However, these are current estimates based on quantities. When you finalize your order after your grades pop, we offer USPS and FedEx rates during checkout.
Nashcards does not guarantee holding orders in order to combine shipments.